German Student Visa Interview Questions And Answers
Tips For Passing A German Student Visa Interview
German student visa interview questions and answers is mostly sought after by persons with the intent to immigrate to Germany for studies. General, personal and specific questions, as well as inquiries concerning the applicant’s future intentions after completing their studies in Germany, must be addressed during the visa interview session. Continue reading to gain access to German student visa interview questions and answers.
What is a German Student Visa Interview Session?
Some international students who intend to study in any German educational institution face two challenges. They will first have to deal with the stress of securing a spot at their desired German institution. Second, but no less concerning, is the time and effort required to gather all the papers for the German student visa application procedure, including preparation for the visa interview. This article will provide relevant German student visa interview questions and answers.

Types of questions asked in student visa interviews
Despite the fact that no one can be assured of the exact questions to be asked to the next German student visa applicant, there are several that are frequently asked.
These inquiries bring up the following points:
- Making the decision to continue your education in Germany
- Understanding of Germany
- Information about upcoming German studies
- Academic and skill level at the moment
- Financial situation now and in the future
- Information about the research field in general
- Accommodation in Germany
- Relationships with German/European residents
- Vacations and semester breaks
- Future projections
Answered German Student Visa Interview Questions
Making the decision to continue your education in Germany
Why do you want to study in Germany?
Answer: Choosing Germany for study abroad should come as no surprise to anyone, given that it is one of the top three nations in the world for foreign students. Germany is known for providing high-quality, best-in-class academic and practice-oriented programs, all at a cheap or free tuition charge. Other reasons to select Germany include its pleasant degree of freedom and security, as well as its rich culture, history, and variety.
Why this city?
Answer: You might argue, “I didn’t select the city,” but I did choose the university that is located in this city, and I’m excited to discover it as well.
Why did you choose this course? Is it relevant to your previous study?
Answer: If the course is relevant to your previous studies, you should emphasize that as the primary reason for enrolling. While there may be other elements influencing the selection, such as high ranking, course quality, practice-orientation, alumni, and so on. If you want to study in a new field, describe how you were interested in the course, for example, you did your own research on the internet about the various study programs in Germany and picked the course that most closely met your academic expectations. Name the elements that influenced your decision to take this particular course from the many options available.
How did you learn about this university and why did you pick it?
Answer: Describe how you obtained information on the university where you would be studying and why you chose this one. You might explain, for example, that you discovered that this institution offers a highly appealing program for foreign students, a reach study program, excellent internship possibilities, alumni, low study fees, the eminence of the academic staff, or anything else. If you are planning to study in Germany as part of an Erasmus + program, you must explain that you will be benefiting from an intra-university collaboration between your home institution and the German university where you will be studying. You may want learn about top German Universities for international students.
Isn’t this course available at any of your country’s universities or colleges?
Answer: You might intelligently respond to this question by emphasizing the differences in study quality and course structure between Germany and your own nation. When it comes to academic achievement, Germany is everyone’s dream, and just a few other countries are real contenders. You may argue that studying in Germany would be extremely beneficial to your future profession since German institutions provide a unique blend of modern knowledge and experience.
What are the names of the other universities to which you have applied?
Answer: If you applied to another German university, you must inform them. Explain how pleased you are to have been accepted for studies at the present institution and how eager you are to begin your studies.
Who inspired you to travel to Germany?
Answer: Let them know that your family, friend, or partner has been there for you every step of the way, and that this support has continued to this day. Name the individual that pushed you to pursue your academic exposure in Germany.
Why are you interested in studying in Germany rather than Canada or the United States?
Answer: Germany competes with other nations not just in terms of high-quality, practice-oriented, and globally focused study programs, but also in terms of low-cost or free studies. You may respond that studying in Germany is more cost-effective and possible than studying in Canada or the United States.
Could you provide me with any information about your university?
Answer: Share a summary of the university’s activities, including who founded it, when it was founded, the main study fields, the number of students enrolled each year, the number of graduates each year, the number of departments, the number of innovations and laureates, internship programs, the types of courses offered, the course structure, the number of international-oriented programs, research programs, and so on.
Understanding of Germany
Name a few popular tourist destinations in Germany and explain why they are so popular.
Answer: Mention a few German museums, palaces and national parks, castles, the Berlin Wall, and other popular tourist destinations, and briefly describe their uniqueness and significant qualities.
Do you have some knowledge of German?
Answer: Most overseas students applying for studies must be able to communicate in German at the B1 level. If you were expected to know German as part of your education, indicate what degree of knowledge you have.
How many borders does Germany have and with which countries?
Answer: Germany has nine neighbouring countries Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, and Switzerland.
Which cities are the most costly to live in?
Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt am Main, Düsseldorf, and Bonn are the five most expensive cities to live in in Germany.
How many states are there in Germany, and can you name some of them?
Answer: Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, and Thuringia are the sixteen federal states of Germany.
Keep reading to learn more about German student visa interview questions and answers.
Information about upcoming German studies
What is the duration of your course?
Answer: Tell them how long your course will continue and, if necessary, when it will begin and conclude. Tell them how many semesters the course has if they inquire.
What is the scope of your course?
Answer: Give the name of your department and the topic of your study. I.e., the name of the law department and the study program/course, as well as the course’s key objectives. Mention the course’s primary subjects/modules as well.
What is the structure of the course?
Answer: Describe how many semesters, full-time or part-time, core subject areas, credits each semester, total hours of lessons per semester, study technique and activities, and so on there are in a few sentences.
Which university are you planning to attend? What city is your university located in?
Answer: Inform them of the university you’ve picked and the city in which it’s located.
Why do you believe the university has decided to offer you a scholarship?
Answer: Mention your excellent GPA, GMAT, and/or TOEFL scores. If you know of any other reason why you were awarded a scholarship, include that as well.
What benefits does this course provide for you?
Answer: Mention the employment alternatives you intend to have after graduating from a German institution, either as an employer or as a self-employed individual. Let them know about your country’s dearth of competence in the subject you’re about to study, as well as the country’s readiness to fill jobs with qualified people with first-rate knowledge/practice.
What is the course start date?
Answer: let them know where you are about to start your enrollment as a student.
How much will it cost to study for a year?
Answer: Inform them of the expected study tuition expenses for the whole course of study, including all years of study.
What is the course’s title?
Answer: Name the course you’re about to begin studying for.
Do you have a letter of admission for studies that is conditional or unconditional?
Answer: This refers to whether you have satisfied all of the study criteria and have been approved to register for classes; if not, you have met the majority of the requirements but still need to meet one more. If you have a conditional (provisional) letter of acceptance for studies, it means you have been accepted to study provisionally – meaning you must take a preparatory course before sitting the final exam “Feststellungsprüfung” – after passing it, you will receive a “Hochschulzugangsberechtigung” University Entrance Qualification, which will guarantee you a seat to study in Germany.
Can you tell me about any of the modules you’ll be taking?
Answer: Mention the main modules of the course you are about to study, such as architectural design, urban and landscape transformation, cultural heritage, and so on. If you are about to study architecture, the main modules may include: architectural design, urban and landscape transformation, cultural heritage, and etc.
Is the entire course taught in English?
Answer: Let them know if you’ve been accepted into an international or ordinary program. International programs are usually entirely in English, although some may incorporate German instruction as well.
When do you expect to travel?
Answer: Your trip date must match the one on your ticket, and it must be early enough for you to register and enroll in your classes.
Current Academic Records and Skills Level
What was your most recent academic degree taken? When did you receive it? Who issued it?
Answer: Give the academic title you got and the institution that granted it to you. For example, a Bachelor of Finance, as well as the year and month it was awarded and the location of the issuing institution.
What was your grade point average (GPA) at the conclusion of these studies?
Answer: Provide supporting paperwork, such as your most recent degree-awarding certificate, to show them which current GPA grade you achieved towards the end of your most recent courses.
What are your IELTS scores?
Answer: Talk about your IELTS scores without needing to provide any further information until requested.
What have you done since your latest graduation?
Answer: Since you graduated from your prior studies, describe your major activity and hobbies that you have consistently enagaged in.
Have you ever enrolled in an English course? Have you taken any courses that are relevant to your studies?
Answer: If you were taking an English course, include the name of the course and the level of English that was taught. Also, if you’ve taken a subject-related course to prepare for future study, mention the key themes covered. If questioned, you might be able to say which university offered such courses and when they were offered.
Current and Future Financial Status
How will you pay for your education?
Answer: Depending on the scenario, several replies may be offered. You might be funding your studies with your own money, a security contribution paid in a blocked bank account (Sperrkonto), someone supporting you (father, someone in Germany, someone else), a study loan, a scholarship, or anything else.
With a German Blocked Account, you can improve your chances of getting a student visa.
How much money is available for your stay in Germany?
Answer: Give figures for how much money you have on your bank account that you will have accessible in Germany for schooling and living expenses. The amount of money you submit must correspond to your “Finanzierungsnachweis,” which is proof that you have sufficient funds to meet your studies and living expenses in Germany.
Who is sponsoring your education? How much do they earn in a year?
Answer: If you have a sponsor, describe your connection with them, including if you are related to them as a father, sister, brother, or someone else, as well as their work title and yearly pay. To substantiate such a claim, you must produce the necessary supporting documentation. Learn about Germany dependent visa.
What evidence do you have that your sponsor will be able to fund your studies?
Answer: You can support this question by providing any of the following supporting papers if you are intending to study utilizing a sponsor’s funds: If a parent is a sponsor, a certified income statement (with their most recent three salary statements and employment contract) and financial assets are required; if a permanent German resident is a sponsor, a letter of guarantee from the “Ausländerbehörde” Foreigners Registration Office is required; or If you’re ready to study with a scholarship in Germany, you’ll need a scholarship awarding certificate.
Who are the breadwinners in your family?
Answer: List all family members who are now employed in a paid capacity, including their work titles and, if applicable, their employers’ names.
How much you will be able to earn after completing your studies?
Answer: Tell them what your yearly wage would be for a position that you would face as a graduate of a German institution when you return to your own country. Also, if you already have a company concept, you should submit a business plan that includes predicted annual business incomes– but make sure the figures are based on a realistic scenario. Learn about working in Germany.
Common Information About The Field of Study
Who are some of the most well-known researchers in your field?
Answer: Describe a few role models researchers/innovators in the subject you’ve chosen for your study and how they’ve influenced you. It may be Alan Guth for physical science, James Watson for biology, Einstein, Timothy Berners-Lee for computer science, or someone else.
Read on to learn more about German student visa interview questions and answers.
Accommodation in Germany
Where will you live in Germany?
Answer: Tell them what kind of lodging you’re staying in. International students in Germany stay in a variety of places, including private apartments, student residence halls, youth hostels, shared rooms, and other options. If you have already found a long-term place to stay in Germany, submit the required address; if you have not yet found a permanent place to stay in Germany, present the hostel/hotel reservation paperwork that includes the required address.
Relationships with people living in Germany/Europe
Do you have any relative in Germany or Europe?
If requested, mention close family members who presently live in Germany or have previously lived there.
Vacations and Semester Breaks
What are your plans for your vacations?
Answer: Respond by expressing no interest in working in Germany. During the semester break, you must indicate your desire to return to your native country to reunite with family members.
Continue reading, to learn more about German student visa interview questions and answers.
Plans For The Future
What are your plans for the future?
Answer: Your response should demonstrate your desire to return home after completing your education. Inform them that you want to start a career in your nation, in a job position, or in your own business in the subject you’ll be studying.
Do you plan to work in Germany?
Answer: In general, you should not exhibit any interest in working when you are studying. On the other hand, there are a few exceptions where overseas students can work while studying in the country. Check to see if your German visa type and student status allow you to work while studying or after graduation. In any case, you must demonstrate that your primary concentration is on your education, not on landing a job there. Learn about internship in Germany
Have you looked at your professional options?
Answer: State that your objective is to return home to pursue a job connected to your education, and that you have no intention of staying in Germany for employment or to become a permanent resident. Demonstrate that you have done your homework and that there is a significant shortage of skilled persons in your profession in your country.
Tips For Passing A German Student Visa Interview
Let us share some of the elements you must pay attention to in order to save money and ensure the success of your German student visa interview.
When should I visit the German embassy or consulate?
Always arrive on time. Do not arrive for the interview too early, and do not arrive even a minute late. It’s critical that you welcome every member of the staff; you never know what impressions you’ll leave.
It is not recommended that you drive on the day of your interview. You don’t want to waste time and effort looking for a free parking spot on this difficult day. You may also become disoriented in traffic and arrive late for the interview. Ensure that you are driven to the Embassy or that you take a cab early enough before the interview time.
What Should I Wear to an Interview for a German Student Visa?
You’ll need to put a lot of work into the dressing. Make sure you’re dressed comfortably but not extravagantly. Wear a dress or a shirt and slacks for a formal and confidential appearance. Wearing strong scents, exposing too many body parts, tattoos, or wearing too much ornaments, should all be avoided. You’re not heading to a festival or a coffee shop, so avoid shirts with printed graphics or quotes.
What should you bring to an interview?
On the day of your interview, you must bring the entire list of German student visa supporting documents with you.
Make sure you have everything you need; visa officials will not photocopy your paperwork or wait until you return home to collect the missing documents for your visa dossier.
How to answer a German student visa interview?
There is no other option except to respond immediately and honestly; do not lie or evade questioning. Visa officers may ask for information that they already have, but they only want to verify whether your objectives are genuine and that you are not abusing your student status in Germany. During the student visa interview, the only rule you should follow is to be honest and transparent.
What to say during a German student visa interview?
All of the information you supply to the visa officers in your responses must be consistent with the papers you provide and your current or previous circumstances. When responding to inquiries, keep it brief, direct, and uncomplicated.
What not to say?
During an interview, being honest and forthright does not entail excessive speech or superfluous detail. Try to be specific and avoid providing material that isn’t directly linked to the topic asked.
Now that you know frequently asked German student visa interview questions and answers, make sure you practice all you have read.
Best of Luck!
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This came in handy
I’m definitely smashing my next interview. Thanks for this post.